System Status: Operational with Exceptions

November 14, 2019
NormalvCentervCenter is operating normally
NormalvCloud DirectorvCloud Director is operating normally.
NormalVirtual MachinesAll VMs are operating normally.
NormalVMware HostsAll hosts are operating normally
NormalVMware ClustersAll clusters operating normally
NormalSANPerforming emergency upgrade to stcl03 in Boston.
NormalL3 SwitchesAll switches operating normally
NormalFirewall ClustersAll firewall clusters operating normally
ImpairedInternet ConnectivityInternet connectivity is being targeted by the DDOS attack

Notes: We at Infinitely Virtual wanted to take a moment to recap some important takeaways from this week’s DDoS attack.

The good news is that there was never data involvement of any kind. By their nature, Distributed Denial of Service attacks aim at disrupting communications. As of Thursday afternoon, the vast majority of our customers are online and working; the only exceptions are those using PPTP VPN and customers in select foreign countries. DDoS mitigation from Oracle has succeeded in enabling customers to continue to work, even though the attack is continuing. Complementing that effort, IV engineers are following up with every customer to verify that each is indeed up and running.

By any measure, this qualifies as a substantial attack. The organization that attacked us used a multitude of attack vectors to bring us down. We responded to each successfully until the attacker discovered a vector that worked; Oracle subsequently found an appropriate countermeasure. At the height of the attack, the organization sent 200 gb/sec of attack traffic – an assault from 135,000 IP addresses, sustained for roughly an hour.

We will continue to update you as events warrant. Thanks again for choosing Infinitely Virtual and for your continued support.